Fight pimples: fast and easy DIY

MAY 29,2016

Hey guys! Isn’t it annoying when you get break outs or a pimple appears on your face out of nowhere. Well, here’s two things that can help fight against it. 
Quick pimple treatment! 

DIY treatment number 1: Barcarbonate of soda. mix it with water, I use a tiny bit and just mix it in to a paste just on the baking soda lid. Using a cotton bud or even your finger (clean hands) put the paste on the pimples, do not leave for longer than a minute! I cannot stress that enough. I felt a slight burning sensation when i first used it, I have super super sensitive skin and it worked for me.

Going to throw a disclaimer out there, do not leave it for a long time even if you feel nothing,it can damage the skin. I knew someone who did, damaged the skin but their skin did eventually return back to normal, don’t try it guys!
DIY treatment number 2:      Garlic clove, yes garlic. It has anti bacterial properties and an anti oxidant which when eaten is great for the immune system too.

Get a clove of garlic and cross hatch it. Rub it on the pimple or affected area and leave overnight. 

Tip: if it begins to sting unbearably  wash it off

Hope it helps x

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